Automatic customer profiles

Book your guests faster, and give them the best experience by already having valuable information about their previous visit, preferences, favorite dishes, allergens, and more.

Trusted by more than 2500 restaurants

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Personalized dining experiences

Understand your guests like never before

Get a holistic view of your guests with our user-friendly customer profiles. Each profile collects essential information such as dining preferences, allergies, past visits, and feedback. This allows you to offer a personalized and memorable dining experience tailored to each guest’s unique tastes and needs.

Understand your guests like never before

All your guest details in one accessible place

Collect and manage all essential guest information such as email, phone number, name, and tags in one place. This unified overview of each guest allows you to track interactions and preferences easily, enhancing personalized service and fostering loyalty as guests feel recognized and valued during every visit.

All your guest details in one accessible place
Django’s Smokehouse and Bar

Detailed analytics helped them create targeted promotions and reward loyal customers

By unifying all guest information, they tracked preferences, managed special requests, and delivered personalized dining experiences. This approach led to customer satisfaction, repeat visits, and loyalty.


Detailed insights and analytics

Gain valuable insights into guest behaviours and preferences with detailed analytics. Understand what drives customer satisfaction and tailor your services to meet these insights. Use this data to optimize your marketing strategies, create targeted promotions, and improve overall guest engagement.

Detailed insights and analytics

Customer data list and an easy overview

Use guest profiles to curate personalized experiences that exceed expectations. Whether it’s remembering a favourite dish, noting special occasions, or acco mmodating dietary preferences, our system helps you delight your guests with every visit.

Customer data list and an easy overview
Use customer profiles to increase loyalty

Use customer profiles to increase loyalty

Enjoy the full potential of your restaurant by using our customer profiles feature. Manage guest information, track preferences, and provide personalized dining experiences that increase satisfaction and loyalty.