How to set up a spam protection feature in the resOS app?

What is the Spam Protection feature?

Spam protection is an essential feature for any online booking system, as it helps prevent fake bookings and ensures that your restaurant’s reservation system runs smoothly.

The resOS app offers a spam protection feature to help restaurants address this issue. This feature analyzes booking patterns to identify suspicious activity, such as multiple bookings with the same email, phone number, or IP address within a short timeframe. By setting up spam protection, restaurants can maintain a more accurate and reliable booking system.

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How Spam Protection Works

This feature examines how many bookings made within the past 24 hours share the same email, phone number, or (if enabled) IP address as a new online booking. If a duplicate booking is attempted and the “Max similar bookings within 24 hours” limit is reached, the bookings will be blocked, and the guest will be instructed to contact you directly.

How to activate the spam protection feature in the resOS app?

  1. Access your dashboard: Log in to your resOS account and navigate to the Dashboard.
  1. Go to apps: Select the “Apps” option in the Menu section on the upper left side of your Dashboard.
  1. Locate the booking app: In the Apps section, find the “Booking App” feature.
  1. Access booking app settings: Click on the Booking App feature to access its settings.
Booking app in resos dashboard
  1. Find spam protection: Scroll down the settings page until you find the row labeled “Spam Protection.”
spam protection interface
  • Set max similar bookings: In the Spam Protection row, select Max similar bookings within 24 hours and choose a limit.
Spam protection dashboard view
  • Block by IP Address: In the Spam Protection row, enable the option to block similar bookings by IP address if desired. 
Activation of spam protection interface

Additional tips for preventing spam

  • Block similar bookings by IP address: If you observe frequent spam or want added security, consider blocking similar bookings by IP address. Just remember, many places and devices can use the same IP address, so blocking based on IP could cause problems if most bookings come from one location.
  • Monitor your bookings: Regularly review your bookings for patterns that may indicate spam or fake bookings. If you identify any suspicious activity, take appropriate action to block or report it.
  • Contact support: If you need assistance with setting up spam protection or have questions or concerns about the system, contact our resOS support team at [email protected] for support.

Get started today with an efficient reservation system.

Protect your restaurant from spam and enhance your booking process with resOS booking system.

Try the spam protection feature today