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Offer takeaway ordering via your social media profiles

Social media has been the cheapest and most efficient way of advertising for years. In addition, today almost everyone has some sort of social media account, let it be Facebook, Instagram, or similar. Over the years, these platforms were improving a lot. Therefore, today places like Facebook and Instagram are the easiest way to get the attention of potential customers. In other words, if you would offer takeaway on your social media channels, the number of customers should increase. Using your social media pages you can now easily add the option to order through social media. Moreover, you can easily lead your customers to your resOS takeaway page.

Integrating resOS’s takeaway system to your social media accounts

  • Increase traffic on your page which result in more customers
  • Add the takeaway link to your Facebook, Instagram, or any other social media page
  • Paste the takeaway link onto your website, so guests can easily navigate to the takeaway page
  • Manage your incoming orders easily through the control panel in your resOS account
Phone with Instagram logo. This means that you can offer takeaway through social media.
Picture from Unsplash.com

What are the advantages of offering takeaway through social media?

Adding your takeaway website to your SoMe pages can be seen as having a sign with your logo on your physical store. In other words, this means that the traffic on your page will increase. Subsequently, this will result in an increased number of customers.

How to add the link to your social media?

One of the easiest and most used platforms is of course Facebook. So let us tell you, how you can add the takeaway option to your Facebook page.

All you have to do is just go to your Facebook profile editing mode. Then just click the “Edit X” on the right side and from the drop-down menu click the “Edit button”. In the table find “Start order” and click on it. Now just go to your resOS page and copy the link to your takeaway page. After that, paste the link in the field on Facebook and click Save.

For instance, the button that is now linked to your website sends the customer directly to your takeaway page. It will make the process of ordering takeaway from your restaurant smooth and easy. The “Start order” button will show up on your Facebook page as shown below.

resOS takeaway through social media and website

In addition to the social media features, you can also add resOS takeaway system to your restaurant’s website. It works the same way as on your social media pages. Similarly, you simply insert the link in your editor, and your guests can now go directly to the resOS takeaway site from your website. It’s easy to implement, and we have guides in the system, telling you how to do it.

How can resOS takeaway increase your efficiency?

The system is simple and easy to manage through the control panel on your resOS page. From the control panel, you can edit your takeaway menu to match your restaurant’s requirements. In conclusion, the resOS takeaway system will make the ability to offer takeaway through social media easy and problem-free.

Would you be interested in trying out the resOS takeaway system?

resOS takeaway system has a 4% transaction cost with credit card payments, but we take 0% in commission.

Do you want to try to offer takeaway through social media with resOS? You can see the link for our plans here: resOS takeaway system prices. If you have any questions regarding our takeaway system? Feel free to contact the resOS team at [email protected].

Ready to try resOS takeaway?

Risk free, no creditcard

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