Get an overview of the bookings you had for a specific time period in order to optimize the internal processes of your establishment and enhance your guests’ experience in order to turn them into loyal customers. Use the data from your booking reports to make informed decisions and create efficient operations and access it by going to Menu–> Reports–> Bookings.
Generate the data for your bookings based on:
▪️Status: Choose which bookings you want to be displayed on the booking reports based on their status (Any status, Active & Has left, Accepted, Has left, No-show, Cancelled, Decline, Deleted).
▪️Period: After you choose the booking status, you can either choose the general period of time, or a specific one (From date-To date). The periods to choose from are: Last month, Past 3 months, Next month, Next 3 months, Last & next month, Past & next 3 months, Month to date, Quarter to date, Year to date, All time, and Custom.
▪️From date-To date: Click on the start and end dates on the calendars that pop-up for these two fields so that you can generate the booking data on this specific custom period.

Key metrics
These are generated based on the chosen metrics from above ⬆️:
- Bookings: the total number of bookings.
- Guests: the total number of guests.
- Bookings-month/week/day: the number of bookings/guests for every month, week or day.
- Source: the sources of the bookings (website, phone, Google, email, etc.).
- Per week day: the number of bookings based on the days of the week.
- Cancelled: total number of bookings that were cancelled by guests.
Purpose and benefits
With the booking reports, you can analyze booking trends, occupancy rates, and cancellations. This helps your restaurant with:
- Predicting busy times in order to make sure you have enough staff and allocate your resources properly so that you prevent overstuffing during slow periods and understaffing during busy ones.
- Optimization of the reservation system to minimize overbooking or underutilization through identifying the most popular booking times and high cancellation rates.
- Reducing no-shows through communicating and planning strategically through sending automated reminders and offering incentives to loyal customers.
Read more about the other types of reports you can generate on your resOS profile here.
❗NB: The way the bookings are counted for reports is not the same as the way the system counts bookings for subscription plans. The booking number for Reports is counted from a specific date to an end date, whereas the number of bookings for the subscription plans is counted for a 30-day period continuously (no matter when you started your subscription).